Friday, July 17, 2009

Pittsburgh, playing tourist

Pittsburgh has lots of buildings with historic towers in the corners to keep part of early American history.

And historic churches. It is always amazing to me to find out that the beginning of a new community, in a new world, always start with sinking money and effort into a church, when life is such a struggle. The history of man is written in the buildings raised to an imaginary deity.

The statutes represent saints, priests and hope. The skill to carve marble in such detail is another thing brought to the New World hundreds of years ago.

Ever look at reflections? One of the most enjoyable things about playing a tourist with a camera is sometimes you get unique perceptions on mundane things. Like the American flag reflected in a glass tower across the street from a church.


Alaskan Dave Down Under said...

It is always amazing to me to find out that the beginning of a new community, in a new world, always start with sinking money and effort into a church, when life is such a struggle. The history of man is written in the buildings raised to an imaginary deity.

Love it!! Excellent!

ShelaghC said...

Actually that fourth pic from the top isn't a church. It's the "Cathedral of Learning," part of the University of Pittsburgh campus.