Saturday, May 9, 2009

Vegas, The Luxor

I said earlier that Luxor is well worth a second visit. It is built on the theme of ancient Egypt and includes a museum inside with replicas of King Tut's tomb and hundreds of artifacts. I spent almost a day there between the museum and studying all of the detail in the reproduction.

No you can't climb on the Sphinx. It's a great reproduction. Amazing what we can do with fiberglass and concrete isn't it?

The walls of the casino are done in the hieroglyphics from the Luxor temples in Egypt. The cartouches all tell a story.

Inside the lobby of the casino you're greeted with statutes that do the temples of Giza credit.

Miniature Sphinxes guard the entrance to the gaming rooms.

The monolith at the entrance to the casino decorated with cartouches and rams.

Anubis guards the entrance from the circle driveway.

Rams line the entrance used for limos. The metal track in front of the casino is the monorail that you can use instead of walking. In 100 degree heat the monorail is greatly appreciated.

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